We share our knowledge and experience — bring you our brilliant tips, thoughts on digital trends, get to know our staff and see some of the work we do with exciting customers!
New mothers often burn inside with questions about both breastfeeding and maternal health. Ammehjelpen service does something about it. And they won't let outdated technology stand in the way of helping even more people -- even better.
Wine connoisseurs are naturally fond of talking about wine. But to manually enter (v) information from databases? Not so much. This is how we saved Moestue a lot of work — through a brand new and fresh web solution.
Trøndelag Teater is an institutional theatre in Trondheim, and Norway's largest regional theatre. We are really proud to work with the theatre, which we have been collaborating with since 2010. In 2018, we launched a new version of trondelag-teater.no
How do you structure a website with at least four senders -- and even more audiences? How do you prevent spills when the cooks are many, and what kind of tools can provide both ease of use and freedom?
WHAT a fun and meaningful project this has been — to elevate Ammehjelpen.no to the site it deserves to be.
Some projects are demanding primarily because they are technically complex. Second because the message is so important that absolutely everything has to vote -- down to every tiny, hair-raising detail. How we managed the Mental Helse Ungdom Balance Walk.
The UN sub-organization Global Compact is the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative. In a network where each national department has its own website, the Norwegian representatives had an ambitious goal: They wanted the very best.
Is it possible to create an online store that hits both buyers equally well? Here's how we stepped forward to build Eitra's digital, wondrous bathroom world.
Across the Nordic region, people are flocking to their salons to get new. But when Nikita Hair herself needed a makeover, it was us they came to. Check out what we did to give both website and booking solution a real glow up.
When the 60-center fitness chain came to us and wanted new websites, it was with a clear challenge: How can each individual fitness center manage its own digital information from our common system?
In 2018, the small rorbua at Frøya brought up its first wild-caught whitefish. Today, they have a turnover of over 15 million. The fish reception off the coast of Trøndelag has become a gourmet adventure of the rare.
It is rare that all functionality needs to be in place at launch. Sometimes it's just about getting on the air as quickly as possible. Check out how in record time we helped IoT company Datek go “live” with a product!
What do you get if you combine thorough insightful work, clever people, holistic thinking and close collaboration? Probably a good result. Like Visit Helgeland's new website, for example. Just check out this transformation.
We love to see our work having an effect. Check out how we increased their organic traffic by almost 40 percent — in just a few months!
How do you create a digital solution that elegantly stitches multiple companies together into one? How do you take into account different customer groups, products and stakeholders — without getting messy? Here's how we solved it for tech group Kiona.
The Youth Phone is a service under the auspices of Skeiv Ungdom. The service is a conversation offering for young people who want to anonymously talk about sexuality, gender, identity or emotional life.
At Increo, we like to be challenged. As a rule, it's about some technical challenge — something complex we have to build or fix. But this time it was a little different. Check out our incredibly cool work for queer youth!
400 member clubs, a myriad of branches and a large membership base of all ages: it's no wonder Norges Cykleforbund struggled with overflowing content. Then it helps with a clean up -- and a floundering new website.
When the folks behind Braasport decided to start a brand new sports store, they opted for a somewhat nontraditional approach. Namely, they launched an online store first, then opened a showroom and finally a physical store.