
Complex products — easily presented

How do you create a digital solution that elegantly stitches multiple companies together into one? How do you take into account different customer groups, products and stakeholders — without getting messy? Here's how we solved it for tech group Kiona.

Laptop showing

Good anchoring throughout design sprint

Merging two companies can be tricky enough, but in this case it was no less than four companies that were to sail under a new, common flag. It required us to bring out a powerful tool from the toolbox: design sprint.

Part of the point of a design sprint is to kickstart projects and arrive quickly at tangible products. But you should not underestimate the value of itself process. As a brand new, undisclosed consolidation of four companies, Kiona had many decision-makers. The design sprint was therefore the perfect venue for all of these to communicate their thoughts and needs.

“We never felt that this was an order/supplier relationship, but that we actually cooperated. Our team worked on creating content in parallel with Increo's people developing the solution. If we found bugs along the way, they fixed it consecutively. It was fun to work with them.”

— Silje Moan, digital marketing specialist in Kiona

Here's how we solved it

When it came to look and feel, We were helped by the fact that Kiona had already developed a brand new visual profile. We had to create a complete idiom of it — and we worked a lot to customize typography and color usage. Through user testing, we optimized the user experience and, among other things, adjusted the palette so that the call to action buttons were easily visible.

In order to meet potential partners “in the heart” we placed Bekijk een partner outside the menu button. Behind the button hides a megameny that wraps the entire solution portfolio under one Kiona umbrella. Other key moves have been:

  • to always make shortcuts. They make it easy to find what you are looking for, as well as making it easy to measure what people click on. What doesn't work can be replaced. Shortcuts also make the page more dynamic and flexible.
  • search function with maps. After the merger, Kiona has an even larger geographical catchment area. Open the “our partners” map and find your nearest supplier in a couple of clicks.
  • multiple entrances to the same side. Regardless of whether you know product names or just know what kind of solution you need, you should end up on specific landing pages. A smart structure has several roads to Rome.
  • design that makes you want to click. The devil, as you know, lies in the details, and we have worked a lot to make Kiona's solution a you want to interact with. We think we have achieved this through the use of several small components (sections and boxes) that harmoniously play on layers. It also helps create the flexibility Kiona wanted.

Two snippets of

... and much, much more. Instead of us telling you everything, can you take a look at, after all?

Two-part image with two images showing on the left and an image of a business building on the right

“Now we have a solution that really lives. The feedback from both people internally within the company, customers and partners has been brilliant. We are super satisfied!”

— Silje Moan, digital marketing specialist in Kiona

What can we help you with?

Morten M Wikstrøm
Morten M Wikstrøm
CEO, Consulting
976 90 017
Sebastian Krohn
Sebastian Krohn
Agency Manager, Consulting
988 00 306