Smooth process is the solution

We could probably tell you that our experience guarantees you as a customer a frictionless process. But of course we know that's not true. And is it even possible for anyone? We take a closer look at the problems and what we think is the solution.

Morten M Wikstrøm
CEO, Consulting

In the search for the optimal solution for users, challenges sometimes arise. Unforeseen circumstances that make all things necessarily go wrong. We'll be honest about that. But when something is difficult, our instinct is to fix it. We are therefore constantly working to improve ourselves and the way we work. Especially in the last year we have worked a lot on our working methodology. It is demanding because it affects everything we do, but important precisely for the same reason.

So how has it been going?

Pursuit of the problems

To improve, we first had to find the problems. At an early stage, we therefore worked extensively on mapping previous processes, in order to be able to identify problem areas.

In recent years, we have gone from being a relatively small and transparent agency, to becoming a medium-sized agency, delivering more complex and comprehensive solutions. What were previously minor and insignificant challenges have thus grown with us — and become bigger and more significant problems.

One of the things we found was that we devote too much time to early detailed planning of solutions, without actually knowing enough. Lack of sufficient insight results in incorrect assumptions, creating the need for many changes along the way (without this necessarily having been reflected in either time estimates or progress plans). We also saw that both we and the customers have been very concerned about the end date and large deliveries, which has left little room for priorities and ongoing launches along the way. In addition, we have seen that for rare meetings and little dialogue along the way, has resulted in low ownership and learning along the way — both from the customer, but also internally within the team with us.

The solution to the problems

In the past, we have solved projects in various ways. Slightly depending on the composition of the team, the task to be solved and the expectations of the client, we have chosen the approach that we have considered most appropriate.

Some have been solved more smoothly (where the road has become as one has walked), while other projects have been solved with a waterfall approach, where we have started from traditional requirements specifications and phases — design first, then development.

Illustrasjon som viser forskjellen på smidig prosess og fossefall metoden

Here we found that in the agile processes, we have managed to:

  1. Deliver value faster, at a lower cost (together we develop what you need, not what we believes you guys need)
  2. Adjusting course, ambitions and financial framework along the way
  3. Create better solutions by letting things change along the way (not everything is thought out at the start, and then it will be just like that)  
  4. Make things happen faster by releasing parts of the solution, based on careful priorities
  5. Work better in teams across disciplines, which provides better solutions on all levels — and is much more fun!
  6. Building Shared Ownership with Customer with an Inclusive Process
  7. Deliver higher quality because we have had ongoing quality assurance and testing

Based on the findings in this work, the answer was quite clear to us: The time has come to take the step fully — with agile methodology across the board, large and small.

We could choose a ready-made agile framework such as Scrum and stick to it, but we would find our own way that worked for us in Increo and the way we would like to work. For example, it was important for us that the whole thing did not become too developer-driven, and that we had room to work interdisciplinary and not least enough space to work enough with UX, visual design and SEO.

This is how we will work


We always provide a complementary core team (often consisting of UX/UI, development and SEO expertise). These must work closely with the client. It is crucial that at least one member of the team is the decision maker with the client and acts as a product owner.

Illustrasjoner som viser stegene i smidig prosess, fra oppstart innsikt, til jobbing i sprinter og kontinuerlig forbedring

We start with a basic insight phase

In order to deliver the best possible solution, insight is needed. Insight is something we also acquire along the way, but we also need a good foundation to start with. At an early stage, we must get to know each other, and together we must define the purpose and purpose of the solution to be developed. Often we will need audience insights and we should define the most important user tasks and problems we are going to solve.

Fast way to launch

Together we define what needs to be in place for the first version of the solution to be launched, landing on a backlog — That is, a list of tasks. This definition should be based on what users need most and what creates the most value. Knowing this, we can also provide better estimates for the actual development of the solution in terms of time and money.

This first version of the solution is called minimum acceptable delivery, MVP (minimum viable product). One of the advantages of an agile process is that we quickly and efficiently create a working solution that can be launched (MVP), creating value.

A smooth workflow with good routines

With the foundation in place, we start building the solution. Here we work in sprints, i.e. repetitive work periods of 2 weeks.

Before each sprint, we agree together on what to do in the period. These can be tasks for everyone in the Increo team: some are solved jointly, some are pure development tasks, while others are pure design/UX tasks.

After a sprint is completed, we have a joint review of the delivery (what has been produced). Then, as a product owner, you also get the status of hours and progress. In addition, the team should meet (preferably digitally) 1-2 times each week for a standup. This is a meeting of about 15 minutes, ensuring that you are on the right course, removing any obstacles in the way of progress. In addition, it gives the client good insight into the work, status and progress.

Tre personer sittende rundt en PC i åpent kontorlandskap

The Increo team wants to conduct regular, rapid evaluations to improve our workflow and ensure that collaboration runs as smoothly as possible.

In the workflow, we use the ClickUp tool, which provides an overview of the progress of the tasks.

Continuous development and improvement

With MVP launched, we continue to work on new tasks from backlog. Experience-wise, at this stage we always have tasks that were not prioritized to the MVP, who has been involved from the start or arrived at along the way in the process that results from learning new things along the way.

To be able to improve the solution, we need insights from users: How does MVP work? Is there anything that should be improved? Therefore, during this phase, we recommend collecting feedback, for example through the use of surveys and monitoring, user testing, interviews and Google Analytics. How voluminous this is done depends on your level of ambition, but it is clarified in advance so that we are ready to take care of this part.

Learn more about how we help you continuously improve your web solution post-launch.

How has it been going?

Changing working methodology is demanding, as it touches so much and so many. An important point has therefore been that we have highlighted problems ahead of time and along the way, and thus seen the value of implementing change. We have experienced that when the impact of a change is high, so is the motivation for the change.

Today we regularly evaluate to be able to improve our working methodology, in the same way as in the solutions we provide. We challenge the mindset, mentality and culture, because yes change is demanding, but in the long run it can become even more demanding to do nothing.

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What can we help you with?

Morten M Wikstrøm
Morten M Wikstrøm
CEO, Consulting
976 90 017

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