9 useful tips — how to conduct a digital user test, simply!

Here are some simple tips and tricks on how to ensure a good passage of digital user tests!

There are several ways to conduct a user test. Guerrilla testing (asking people on the street), various versions of integrated test lab with associated observer rooms in the office where you get people to visit, or that you meet the test person at home or where it should fit where you have the necessary equipment.

The format is important for the result, but the all important thing is that one actually user tests. First of all, because we cannot pretend to be the user or the target audience. It is the actual user (target audience) who will give us the best answers as to where the usability and concept skew, so that we can improve the solution. Here are five reasons why you should prioritize user testing.

So what should you do and what do you need to conduct an amazing and full-fledged user test?

A digital user test is very effective

A digital user test primarily takes a little time, rather than large costs,) although time is money). Digital user testing is also available, in such a way that interviewers, observers and the tester do not have to spend time traveling to and from a user test. It also allows you to get a larger selection of test subjects that fit the test's criteria. At the same time, digital meetings are more efficient and require less organization with meeting rooms, coffee and dining. In addition, we find that those who complete the user test relax more when they are allowed to sit in familiar surroundings.

Never conducted a user test before? Here are 9 tips for holding a digital user test!

A user test needs, in short, a facilitator or interviewer (the one who manages the user test and asks open-ended questions to the tester) and a test person. If there are more people who want to follow the process, these are called observers. Observers follow the user test from a different room than where the actual test is performed, noting down positive and negative feedback.

Illustrert eksempel på digital brukertest

How to schedule the user test

1. What equipment do you need?

Interviews and user tests only need internet access and PC/Mac.

Extra tip: Check in advance that the test subject has a working microphone, a quiet place to sit without disturbing elements during the test, and a working net.

2. Which video meeting solution is suitable for user test

It works fine to have a video meeting where the test person can connect easily, e.g. Google Meet or Whereby. If, on the other hand, many people want to observe, it is advisable to have 2 meeting rooms in different video solutions. The reason for this is that 1) the test person should not feel supervised. Therefore, create a separate observer room (meeting room) in another video solution. This is because 2) There will be echoes when sharing your own screen in the same video meeting solution.
(See illustration above here)

3. Expectation management

Send out emails well in advance with information on how the user test is conducted. Be clear about what the test person can expect, let alone prepare. In the same email it is advisable to be clear that it is the solution to be tested, and not the user. For example: “We are testing the website and not your technical skills, no answer is wrong. If something seems strange, it is we who have to adjust the concept”. At the same time, one can mention that “some of my colleagues sit with me in another room and observe”. Also inform that by attending, they agree to a recording being made, stating that you need admission. (which of course is deleted after eg 14 days)

Later, when the date and time are set (ref step 4) a notice should be sent out with an additional mail with info. Remember to take into account both those who are drilla on digital meetings and those who do not do this on a daily basis, with a step-by-step guide. This also serves as a great reminder that they have signed up for something.

4th. Schedule your user tests in your calendar

Block out 1-2 days in your calendar where you only have user testing to focus on. It is an intense way of working and therefore very important that you focus on performing the user tests. At the same time, it is advisable to keep everything fresh in memory when working further with the notes and the result from the user test.

5. Customize the times of the test subjects

This usually goes very smoothly if you have a large customer base to relate to, if not this step should be done 2-3 weeks in advance so that people have time to sign up. Set up a Doodle or similar with bollards for the current time, so that test takers can choose their time based on what is available. This can go very fast, but also take time to coordinate. So make sure to have a dedicated person in charge of booking user testers.

What do you do on the actual user test day?

6. Setup of the user test

If you're one person, it's as simple as running a regular video meeting where the test person shares their screen. If, on the other hand, you work with more people who are going to participate in the test, the solution is here: Use one video solution where you as the user test manager are together with the test person and use another one for observers. The reason is as mentioned earlier: Don't let the test person feel watched by having more people around him. Observers sit in separate rooms.

Bilde av gjennomføring av digital brukertest, hvor mobilen er foran PCens kamera
If you're going to usetest something on your mobile, use “hugging”. Then you get both sound, image and how the person navigates.

7. Have a separate user test room in Whereby

If you are going to bring observers, it is important to have an external room in addition to the meeting you already use, so use Whereby in the user test, use another video meeting solution as well, such as Google Meet.

Observer Room in Google Meet

The magic of this is: You as a facilitator sit in the test lab (Whereby) and share your screen with the observers in Google Meet! That way everyone gets to see and hear what you and the test person see and say.

And an important tip here! You who facilitate the user test must use regular speakers on your machine. The reason is that the sound from the user tester must also come into the observer room.

Tip: In the Observer-room, everyone (minus you, of course) should be muttered. Take a summary with the observers after the user test is completed.

8. Test, test and test that everything rolls as it should well in advance

There are very few things as frustrating as having to deal with technical errors when you want to have an effective test that also gives a good impression to those who are going to participate. Therefore, always remember to test the test, you can feel free to do this with a colleague. Also test recording at the same time, then you will be sure that everything is working properly. The test itself and the results should be based only on real test subjects.

9. How can you user test on mobile?

Then you have a method called Hugging. Assume that the person you are testing has a laptop (or a loose webcam) and this can be solved easily. Have the test person turn on the camera and microphone and then turn the machine the wrong way. Tilt the screen slightly down and the person concerned can take the machine in their arms with their mobile phone in hand. Then you get audio and video of how the person uses your app.

General tips for implementation

Test 5 people on the same concept before adjusting anything. Then 5 more. In other words, it doesn't take that many to user test. Set aside 45 minutes for each user test. This is good for solving any challenges that may arise, that user tests fail to produce prototypes or manage to split screen. Some will always talk more than others, but with a frame of 45 minutes you should be able to get through what is desirable.

Like that, it was

Now you've got some simple and descriptive tricks on how to use what you already had to be able to perform even better and digital user tests. Good luck!

Need help testing your digital solution? Read more about how we work with user testing here, or take contact with us for more information!

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Morten M Wikstrøm
Morten M Wikstrøm
CEO, Consulting
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Sebastian Krohn
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