
Tailoring with headless CMS
We are an Official Sanity Partner

The headless CMS Sanity has grown tremendously in popularity. The publishing solution is forward-looking and easy to work with. Sanity lets you build fast web solutions and handles content in a way that makes it easy to use.

Headless implies that Sanity can deliver content to any front-end and is with it very flexible. For example, Sanity can “feed” the website, app and newsletter.

Why choose Sanity?

Headless = forward-looking online publishing

Headless means content is completely separated from code and design. Publish and edit text and content without worrying about the visual presentation. All of font sizes, margins, line breaks and image customization are taken care of in the code. Do you have multiple surfaces to which you want to distribute content - e.g. a website, an app, and an online store. No problem — all content is managed in Sanity Studio and you can easily choose which surfaces to use it in. Easy!

Search Engine Optimization and Ease of Use in Sanity

In order to be successful in SEO with a Sanity website, it is necessary to take into account a search engine friendly structure from the start. Increo has its own dedicated SEO specialists, who ensure that this is taken care of from start to finish. Sanity is a very efficient platform, without technical debt and works in a modern way. This provides web solutions that both humans and search engines prefer. Fast, predictable and follows standards.

Ecommerce and Sanity with Shopify

Sanity can be easily integrated with various e-commerce systems. Shopify invested heavily in Sanity in 2022 and the two systems now work hand in glove.

Tailoring also in the Sanity Studio editing interface

Tailoring of the front end, or the site being visible is a “should just be missing” factor. But the fact that the editing interface/back end is 100% customizable is a unique feature of Sanity. You can hide all the features you don't need and make it completely customized to your workflow.

Multisite - manage the content of multiple sites from one Sanity installation

As with Wordpress Multisite, Sanity is built to handle many sites from one “installation”. Whether you plan on targeting multiple markets, versioning content for B2B and B2C, or managing multiple websites, Sanity is well suited as a publishing solution.

Low operating costs

Since Sanity is rigged in a forward-looking manner, operating costs are low. With all solutions in the cloud, there are obviously operational costs involved, but Sanity's operating costs are relatively low and scale sensibly with the activity. Small and large businesses can use Sanity. Old-fashioned licensing pricing, which is typical of monolithic systems you can forget about.

Selected Sanity projects from Increo


Website and lead generation

UniMicro has accountants and businesses that need accounting software in its target audience.

The website provides decision support for ongoing sales processes and acts as a “lead magnet” to initiate the lead to sales process online.

Studentsamskipnaden in Gjøvik, Ålesund and Trondheim (Sit)

Lightning-fast development of new content structure

The project was supposed to be a standard copying job, but flipped to become a redesign of both structure and content. The result? Users and needs were carefully mapped, and Sit was given a brand new site within the same budget.

Questions about Sanity?

Are you wondering about technical solutions, choosing a CMS or other things. Feel free to get in touch, or just fill in the contact form.

Morten M Wikstrøm
CEO, Consulting

Popular websites that use Sanity