What is DESIGN SPRINT and how to implement one?
A design sprint at Increo is a 4-day process of concentrated collaboration to create new products and services, or to improve what already exists.
The goal of the sprint is to drive innovation and development with the lowest possible risk, without wasting time and resources. No endless discussions, but all participants get an equally clear voice in the process.
Design sprint to what?
The process is great to use when developing:
- products
- digital and physical services
- websites and apps
- identities
- market strategies
- contents
- brands
Design sprint is a method that in a short time leads to the validation of an idea — whether it is a new product, service or strategy. All decision-makers are involved in the process, which makes it a great way to get everyone involved in the team when solving a big challenge.
What to use design sprint as a working method could potentially save the enterprise hundreds of thousands in development costs and hundreds of man-hours. That's why the world's largest development department, LEGO, has established design sprint as their core process when developing new products. Google, AirBnB, Sparebank1 SMN and even NAV are examples of businesses that have solved complex issues with design sprint.
So how to get started?
1. Take a course
If you do not have the time or experience to learn from a book, you can book a two-day intensive course at Peil, where you will be introduced to the refined version of Design sprint 2.0, developed by AJ&Smart and Jake Knapp. With the purchase, you get everything you need to get started. We hold both open courses — and in-house courses. Get in touch with us for more details.
2. Book design sprint with us
The very simplest thing is to let us take the entire facilitation of the design sprint. We help you in the preparation, put together an optimal team and you have access to all our resources throughout the process. Our facilitators are among the country's most experienced in the field and we have honed every part of the process down to the smallest detail in order for our clients to get the most out of their projects.
Contact us for a no-obligation chat about design sprint.