Briefly about web applications

In the digital world, there are a myriad of expressions and topical issues, but what do they really mean? Let's take a closer look at web applications, and how they can help you to a more efficient workday.

Morten M Wikstrøm
CEO, Consulting

What is a web application?

A web application is a dynamic web page, which provides a form of added value to the user. The difference between a web application and a traditional website is that you can give a web application data, to which it will react.

What can a web application be used for?

Web applications can be used as anything from utility tools to pastime. Those that qualify as utility tools tend to target companies, with the aim of simplifying work tasks and creating workflow. These help to optimize operations by taking over some manual tasks, so employees can use their time more efficiently. For example, a web application can help you generate and send out invoices with a couple of keystrokes, based on a given data base, so you don't have to fill everything in and send out manually. Examples of such utility tools are Zendesk and Azure, while Facebook and Twitter are examples of another type of web application.

What advantages does a web application have?

In addition to being able to be a support tool that simplifies everyday work in a company, there are several advantages of web applications. The differences between web applications and traditional applications today are very small. You can pretty much do the same thing in a browser as through an application you download and install on your PC or mobile.

A big advantage is that you have access to a web application no matter what platform you use, and where in the world you are located. Where a traditional app is downloaded to one platform, web applications can be used across pc, mac, tablet, linux and mobile.

In addition, we are now moving towards what are called Progressive web applications, which allow you to define an application layer that can provide partial to full offline functionality. This means that you can use all or part of the app without being connected to the internet.

Does your company need an app? Read more about app development here!

Get in touch with us for a non-binding chat about the development of web applications or other services.

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Morten M Wikstrøm
Morten M Wikstrøm
CEO, Consulting
976 90 017

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