We will find a CMS that is right for you

Many people who work digitally have little insight into the technology they work with. When your company chooses a new CMS, the most important knowledge you bring into the process is insight into your own company and the users.

Merethe Honne

We at Increo work on this every day and are happy to advise you when choosing a CMS.

Many digital environments specialize in one CMS and prefer to customize this to meet the client's requirements. At Increo, we believe that the best thing to do is to choose a CMS that basically suits the client's needs.

Most of our clients choose one of three CMS; WordPress, Umbraco or Sanity. In addition, we create some lighter pages in Webflow, which is a no-code solution.

Valg av riktig CMS: Ofte mer lønnsomt enn man tror

Mange mener at de beste digitale løsningene er utviklet med sluttbrukerne, altså kundene dine, i fokus. Det er vi enige i. Samtidig vil skreddersydde tilpasninger av et håndplukket CMS åpne opp for at løsningens hovedbruker, altså deg, vil jobbe mer effektivt. Du forstår hva som ligger bak alle knapper og funksjonaliteter, og du kjenner veien man må gå for å få publisert nytt innhold – nettopp fordi at “skiltingen” er skreddersydd for dine behov. Du får også en digital plattform som vil leve lengre, med færre utfordringer rundt oppfølging og vedlikehold. 

Nett- og e-handelsløsninger: Trenger du en digital løsning som skaper gode brukeropplevelser, og ikke minst konverterer?

Konsulenten ønsker å bli godt kjent

Før vi kommer med en anbefaling om CMS er det mye vi konsulenter må lære oss. Det gjelder blant annet hvordan din bedrift eller organisasjon liker å jobbe, hva deres behov og ønsker er i dag, samt hva som er planene for fremtiden. 

Prøv en DESIGN SPRINT: En 4-dagers prosess med konsentrert samarbeid for å skape nye produkter og tjenester, eller å forbedre det som allerede eksisterer

Profitable to choose the right

When choosing a CMS that is initially extra suitable for the solution to be developed, there is less need for special customization. You get a digital platform that will live for a long time, with fewer challenges around follow-up and maintenance.

Many needs to be accommodated

Before we make a recommendation about CMS, there is a lot we need to learn. This applies, among other things, to how the company or organization likes to work, what their needs and desires are today and what are the plans for the future.

Those who are going to publish content and work with the new digital solution for everyday life are happy to have different experience bases, knowledge and desires. The digital platform should work optimally both for those who work on it and those who are users of it. It is at the intersection of these needs that we find the basis for our recommendation.

Get all questions on the table

Think of yourselves

Should you have a lot of content, should many be responsible for editing? Do you sell products or services that require the site to integrate with multiple external systems? Do you provide services that require additional security for the safe handling of sensitive information about, for example, patients? What do you think of the CMS you use today?

Think about the users of the page

What is important for those who visit the site? What do they expect to be able to do? How technically interested and advanced are they?

Think about the future

What are the ambitions for the use of the site going forward? Will the sites serve an international market in the long term? Do you want to expand your product range? These are just some of the questions we ask, and the research we do, before we make a recommendation.

The Art of Limiting

Although we provide advanced solutions and complex systems, we have created our own increo.no in Webflow. Our users are here to find contact information, learn about technology and read about other companies' experiences with technology they are considering themselves. We want it to be easy for those who visit the site to get to know us, and easy for anyone who works here to publish content.

The choice of CMS appears extensive, but we are here to make it as simple as possible.

What can we help you with?

Sebastian Krohn
Sebastian Krohn
Agency Manager, Consulting
988 00 306
Morten M Wikstrøm
Morten M Wikstrøm
CEO, Consulting
976 90 017

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